Some people wish they were Britney Spears for just one day, but Lorna Bliss has spent almost ten years being Britney Spears and she says it’s not all that pretty.

Lorna started out as a Britney impersonator back in 2000 when some of her friends noticed the resemblance. She borrowed some money to dye her hair and buy outfits and started touring nightclubs for 100 pounds a night. After she got her degree she became a full time Britney Spears, trying to copy every detail in the pop idol’s life.

She didn’t marry a Kevin Federline lookalike or have two kids, but she did put on the extra weight, shaved her head and copied Britney’s attitude during her breakdown. She would snap at journalists and even chase them away with an umbrella, just like the pop-star.

Now Lorna is happy Britney Spears is back on the horse and she doesn’t have to look crazy and depressed all the time. She does however have to spend around 15,000 British pounds every month, just to maintain her looks.

There’s one question that puzzles me though…Did she walk around without underwear just like Britney?

via Daily Mail



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