Best 10 Weird Health Therapies
Diposting oleh Melany Christy
Okay, it’s that time of the year again when the entire universe conspires to get you sick. You have tried all chemical permutations and combinations, exercised regularly and even gulped down many of grandma’s home-made concoctions. Perhaps, it’s time to give some alternate healing methods a chance? No, we are not talking about Yoga, Tai Chi or Acupuncture. We are going to go deep, in to a world where people will use your urine, birthing memory or even your ear to treat your health problems. Here are our top ten weird alternative remedies.
10. Ho’oponopono
For those of you who have had many stormy arguments and heated discussions, Ho’oponopono will take time, a lot of time. This Hawaiian practice believes that the roots of an illness lie in disputes, anger or even guilt. The healing process targets these evils and calls for forgiveness and reconciliation. The magical words to be uttered here are “sorry” and “let’s make up” for the healing to begin.
9. Urine Therapy
Urine is considered a miraculous curative in many parts of the world. In some pockets of China, it is used as a baby’s face wash to protect the skin. In India, it even got a brand ambassador: the country’s Prime Minister, Morarji Desai attributed his good health to daily pint of urine.
8. Ear Candling
This process is also called thermal auricular therapy, probably to make it sound like a normal healing method. The attempt is absolutely futile because lighting up one end of a candle and placing the other end in to your ear is something very far from normal. Most of the leading health organizations strongly dissuade people from trying this therapy.
7. Rebirthing-Breathwork
Does your mom always remind you about the immense pain she suffered to bring you into this world? Here is something you can tell her, too. According to Leonard Orr, who developed this breathing technique, being born is a very traumatic experience for a baby. He felt that through some sort of connected breathing, you can relive your birth and heal the stressful event. This, he claimed, improved overall health of the patient.
6. Beer Spa
In some parts of this planet, you can have your bath and drink it, too. Don’t start hiccuping bubbles, it’s not soap suds we are talking about. This bath is full of beer. Many beer spas have recently sprung up in Czech Republic, Germany and Austria to rejuvenate people through their enticing beer-bath weekend offers.
5. Psychic Surgery
Scalpel, scissors, surgical staplers, anesthesia…We can go on but these words are enough to paint a picture of a helpless person strapped down in an operating room under the mercy of a complete stranger. The idea then of a surgery that does not require any body-poking objects whatsoever is really appealing. It has found many believers in countries like Brazil and Philippines. The process involves pressing and touching the diseased area of the body to heal it. Blood or tissue-like substances might be produced to make it look believable.
4. Virtual Dolphin Therapy
This is a tailor-made healing therapy in times of recession. You don’t need to spend fortunes on a therapist; an imaginary dolphin can do an equally good job. Welcome to the world of virtual dolphin therapy. Lie down on a couch but don’t close your eyes this time. All you need to do is watch dolphins frolicking in deep sea and hear the sounds of waves and ocean. The treatment claims to bring about a deep state of relaxation and rejuvenation.
3. Bee Sting Therapy
Yes, you read it right. The treatment involves stinging yourself away to a healed state. The practitioners of the system believe that bee venom has anti-inflammatory properties that can be used in illnesses like arthritis and keloids. Depending upon the condition, the patient might be subjected to any number of bee stings.
2. Past Life Regression
This is as weird as it can get. A person can blame his gluten allergy to something like death in wheat fields in his past life. Practitioners induce hypnosis in patients to help them recollect their past life memories. These “doctors” claim to heal the roots of existing health problems by helping to find out the unresolved issues in previous lives.
1. Snake Massage Therapy
This therapy makes a massage sound anything but relaxing. A heap of non-venomous snakes are piled on your body. Their slithering and crawling actions are supposed to give you that ultimate soothing sensation to your tired and aching body. Don’t worry if your facial muscles have stretched in horror because these spas offer you special small snakes to work on those areas as well.
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