There are literally hundreds of commercials floating around out there put out by the likes of Nike, Reebok, the aforementioned ESPN and countless others that place the game of hockey up on a pedestal.

I found the ten best.

Some will make you laugh and one, in particular, will probably make you want to forget about dinner. Please keep in mind that these ten clips represent what I think are the best of the bunch. I’m sure there are some out there that I missed or some that you think are better suited for this list, so if you know of one by all means share it.

10. Nike Takes Hockey to the Streets

Stellar production value aside I have to give the producers pats on the head for throwing in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Detroit reference with those dead octopi. Very slick.

9. “Is This a Robbery”

I don’t know what’s funnier, the thought of some goof robbing a bank in full goalie equipment or Nike elevating Rod Brind’Amour to Everest-level heights.

“What are you in for?”



8. He Spits, She Saves

This one is great for two reasons: It involves something we can all relate to (boys picking on girls) with something that is unconventional (a girl minding the net). I also liked how you can hear the boy’s ego deflate through the straw.

Another thing all men can relate to.

7. One Man’s Fantasy

Come on, you have to give the guy credit for thinking with his. . .uh. . .er. . .forget it.

6. Chilly Willy

You know, I never knew Sidney Crosby tried out for the Devils.


5. Loose Rebounds

While watching this clip, images of Sean Avery standing just off camera shaking his head disapprovingly kept popping into my head.

Loose rebounds, indeed.

You have to hand it to Adam Oates though; the guy has that wounded look down pat.

4. Bowling Body Check

No offense to all the bowlers out there, but if ever there was truth in advertising, this is it.

Nice hit by the way. We could use some of that grit here in Detroit.

3. “Nice Try, Nogoalov”


That is all.

2. Its In the Bag

If you have ever played the game of hockey (or lived with someone who played) then you know exactly what this commercial is trying to convey. Once that unmistakable stink permeates the equipment your only hope is an incinerator, because you can run that stuff through the wash until Chicago wins another Cup and it will never go away. Think skunk, but

Which brings me to. . .

1. Gear Stink?

This is the bar far the nastiest, most cringe-inducing piece of advertising I have ever seen. It’s also probably the most effective, because no matter what you’re going to remember this particular brand and what it’s used for.

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