Executive Secretary for Wikipedia Indonesia, Siska Doviana, stated that it's possible to expand the Wikipedia community, or the article writers of Wikipedia often dubbed Wikimanias, by merging them with bloggers, however the merge is rather hard.

"I can't say it's impossible, but the human resources is hard to manage. Even for us (Wikimanias) it's difficult to have a gathering," she stated, Jakarta, Wednesday.

Writers in Wikipedia aren't likely to become famous, she pointed out, because Wikipedia doesn't allow its writers to gain popularity like in blogging. "So the ideas and writing styles are different. Blogs have their own style. Wikipedia has a lot of rules."

But Siska still hopes that in the future the Wikipedia community can still grow in Indonesia. "One way is by doing this writing competition for university students. I hope the students will come up with brilliant ideas."

As reported, Wikipedia Indonesia is having a writing competition for students from 10 universities.
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