Tired of the same old solitaire grind? Ready for some real time wasting action at work? Here are our top ten picks to make your 9 to 5 more like 1.30 to 2.45. Enjoy your lazy Monday!

But first, a word of caution

If you work at a TV broadcasting station, and have your cubicle placed directly behind the news anchors desk, we strongly advice you not the go astray on the net during office hours.

10. ItMadeMyDay.com

Bits and pieces from people’s everday life. Moments that made a persons day. Simple as that. A good source to get inspired from the endless 9 to 5 routine.

9. ICanHasCheezburger.com
No time wasting website list is complete without one solely dedicated to the wonderful subject of LolCats!

8. FailBlog.org

For a taste on just how stupid people can be, FailBlog is an excellent afternoon delight to, if anything, at least make you feel better about yourself and the fact that you haven’t been featured on it. Yet! Of all “epic” fail blogs out there, this is where it all started, and will remain.

7. MyParentsJoinedFacebook.com

Talking epic fails, the one of our lifetime must be when parents started joining Facebook.

6. TotallyTop10.com

Listverse is all its glory, but if you’re looking to crunch some fun, bizarre and interesting knowledge in the top ten format. TT10 is a great alternative. We have a large supply of movie lists, lists of creative arts, oddities, and much more.

5. FamilyGuyLOL.com

A streaming services that stands out from competition by delivering all and latest Family guy episodes in good quality and for no money at all. In a niche where most video streaming sites aren’t worth even the smallet retweet, FamilyguyLOL.com is one you shouldn’t overlook. Bookmark now!

4. Hdmt.net

Stream the latest movies and TV shows in HD quality for pocket change. There are also many old classics for no cost at all.

3. Pogo.com

Loose yourself in flash games. Pogo has some of the silliest and best games, and largest supply of free online flash games.

2. LifeHacker.com

Make life easier and let out the hacker within. Lifehacker does just that with an infinite stream of great tips and tricks how to lead a much more fun, tech-savvy and gadget-fulfilled life.

1. Bored.com

Even if you save cats out of burning buildings all day, getting bored is inevitable. Fact. To stimulate to less sophicated part of your brain, hit up bored.com for funny videos, addictive flash games and more.
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